Cybercrime & Business Intelligence

At Black Wall Global we employ advanced techniques and tools to acquire and analyze information that identifies and predicts risks and threats within a cyber domain. The objective is to generate cyber intelligence to dictate an ultimate course of action and achieve the highest levels of performance and well-informed decision making. At Black Wall we understand the high value of the most complete information therefore we employ significant resources to gather current and historical data from public and private domains and a variety of industrial sectors.

Black Wall offers State of Art tailor made solutions based on highest intelligence, AI and Machine learning technology, unique expertise and creative thinking.

  • Identification of Corruption,Bribery & Money Laundering

  • Investigating into Financial Markets crime

  • White Collar Crime

  • Identification of Fraud

  • Deep Due Diligence

  • Employee Data Leakage

  • Asset Trace and Legal support on Recovery

  • Cryptocurrency crime  investigations

  • AML Compliance on Crypto Currency’s for Financial Institutions 

  • OSINT Open Source Intelligence​  research within Social Media and networks, cyber range & diversified search engines, laying to build and form a exhaustive data base for the customers and distinctive needs and requests.

  • VIP Cyber Intelligence 

Online threats can come from many directions – theft of personal information, business information, and ransom software.
At Black Wall Global, we recognized the need for protection and we have developed a 
“VIP Cyber Intelligence” service which monitors mentions on the Internet and the Dark Web. As part of the service, we securely and discreetly monitor all relevant mentions on websites, blogs, social networks, etc. Gathering and recollection can also apply to family members under risk.

With Black Wall VIP intelligence service, you will know what is written and said about you on the Internet and Dark Web at any given moment in real-time. Whenever an offensive article comes up, a picture in a negative context, an abusive tweet – you will be alerted. You will also receive a report covering activities during the given period with all publications and findings listed about you and your family.

Cybercrime Investigation

Black Wall Global provides a service for investigating cyber attacks and intrusions. We offer expertise, technical resources, and tool collection for performing threat analysis and retrieving compromised data. With the use of multi-platform forensic applications and with the right knowledge our security professionals can unmask authors of digital crimes effectively and productively.

Digital Investigations
Black Wall Global provides a wide range of Digital Investigation services, including Digital Internal Affairs Investigations, Digital Corporate and Security Investigations, and Digital Internal Defense Investigations. Black Wall highest worldwide expert on Forensic Video Lab services, including analysis and verification of video forgery, false editing or falsification of footage and comparison of defective film. This allows us to decipher the license plates from the CCTV footage.
Analysis of criminal incidents and scenarios according to forensic process models.
Investigation and forensic examination of traffic incidents.
Investigation and forensic medical examination and digital reconstruction at the scene.

UK +44 203 808 1848
HK +852 580 320 20